Types of Surveys We have an Experties IN
CAD Drafting has always been an important part of the initial phase of any project. CAD drafting involves designing 2D and 3D models
of the area through computer software. It is very important to be precise when it comes to surveying land and farm, hence,
We are here to help you.
We specialize in providing survey drafting services for different type of sites ranging from small subdivisions to commercial sites of different sizes. We provide detailed CAD drawings and civil site engineering drawings for; Subdivisions, Commercial Projects, and Residential Projects
Linework | Addressing an Easement and Setbacks | Details Labling | Improvements & Hatching Zoning & FEMA Information | Title Sheet/Border | Certification and Table A Requirements | Plotting Vicinity Map | Topographic | Contour Creation | Tree Location | Tree Table etc.
Know more About this Survey !
The American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors have established standards used by title insurance companies and lending institutions for commercial loans. These standards are significantly higher and more complex than those established by state and local governments for boundary surveys. While more time consuming and more expensive to perform, Seiler and Craig Surveying is qualified to meet all specifications required by the client on an A.L.T.A/N.S.P.S. Land Title Survey. Using the title commitment furnished by the client, courthouse records, field evidence and other surveying practices a plat can be produced (CAD format) in a timely and accurate manner.
An ALTA / NSPS land survey aims to collect and record data from property records as well as physical surveying, to fulfill the needs of title companies during insurance dealings.
An ALTA is a boundary location showing improvements and other elements impacting the ownership of the parcel of land in relation to the parcel boundary. Improvements can consist of buildings, parking lots, utilities, vegetation or other man made improvements. Other elements can consist of utility easements and floodplain areas.
Here are just a few of the features that may appear on an ALTA survey:
Location and elevation of all structural improents on the property (i.e., buildings, fences, walkways, roads, etc.)
Location of water features and/or water boundaries
Zoning setbacks for the property
Public road access
Information on property easements and their ramifications
Information on neighboring property owners
Information on possible encroachments
Evidence of cemeteries that might have once existed on the land
What Is an ALTA / NSPS Survey?
The ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey is an essential tool for parties involved in a real estate transaction or a development project. The survey is used to determine and depict existing features of a property, including title boundaries, access to rights of ways, buildings, other improvements, easements, encroachments, water features, and other significant features.